
Client since: September 2022

What has surprised you the most since joining At The Bar Fitness?

I was nervous and anxious about not being able to exercise, and then being judged by others at the gym.  I couldn’t have been more wrong. Not once has anyone made me feel uncomfortable. Everyone encourages and supports each other. It’s a fantastic community of like minded people ranging in ages and abilities. I love the diversity, the friendships, and the dad jokes!

What’s been your favourite change you have seen in yourself so far?

The obvious one is being a couple of dress sizes smaller, the less obvious one is knowing I now have a level of fitness and health that I can give most things a go.   When I turned 50 I felt like I was giving up on everything because I was getting old….at 54 I’m ready to try so many new things because I feel like its possible and I can physically do it!

What words of wisdom would you give to someone who may want to join in on classes?

The hardest thing you will do is turn up on day 1. It’ll hurt, but only for a little, and nowhere near as much as the long term, chronic pain in knees, hips and backs that comes from spending everyday in front of a computer. I rarely worry about those pains anymore. Nicky has a holistic approach to fitness AND overall health that she manages to personalise for each of us. She has a knack for being able to push you just enough to get stronger but not too much when things don’t quite feel right. There’s always an alternative if it’s needed.

But burpees, well they suck and I have nothing nice to say about those. If you whinge enough she’ll let you do star jumps instead 😜

Anything else you would like to add about your personal journey?

I joined ATB in Sep 22, a couple of months later I walked a steep hill on holidays. I struggled with my fitness and footing, especially cautious on the way down, but was damn proud that I’d done it. 2 years later, I recently walked the same hill. I had no idea how much my fitness had improved. But the stability and confidence in my step on the downhill blew me away. I don’t feel anywhere near as old as I did 2 years ago!

It scares me to think where I would be if I hadn’t taken that first awkward step and joined up. I have no doubt having some strength and fitness has helped to navigate some stressful midlife circumstances! With Nicky’s help I’ve navigated the mixed messages from the health industry to find what works for me and my lifestyle. Now I’m excited about the future and not so focused on just finding a comfortable chair!

